Explore your voice in a fun and creative space


Develop your voice, improve your singing skills and /or learn how to write authentic songs with Voice Expressions.

Come and explore genres like soul, jazz, pop and gospel music, build your confidence, develop your singing skills in a safe, enjoyable and creative atmosphere with others. For those of you who wish to write songs, you can attend our classes to learn how to write authentic music, develop your songwriting skills and share your compositions in a safe space.


Group & Private Classes


Goldsmiths student, S March ‘24

The Voice Expressive classes offered at Goldsmiths have been a way for me to reconnect with music. 

Brenda offers a safe space for myself and the other participants to use our emotions and put them into song, I’ve never felt judged or anxious; when I have felt anxious, Brenda has provided the care and compassion needed to facilitate my needs. 

I have learnt and relearned vocal techniques, and have been given the ability to work in a group and individually. But most importantly, it’s fun. I can genuinely say that I enjoy myself during the Voice Expressive classes.'

Goldsmiths Student March ‘24

I have found the vocal ensemble and Brenda to be refreshing. I have had a lot of negavitie experiences within vocal tuition and tutors but Brenda made me feel safe, accepted and positive. Brendas vocal techniques were easier for my voice than ones I have had prior and were fun and holistic. I felt brenda focused on me as an individual and focused on more than my voice which helped me to feel less stressed when using my voice. My voice is tense through negative experience and Brenda has been very informative and understanding of this. As a group we all connected and had a good experience as well as learnt new ways of singing and I have found Brenda's approach to be therapeutic making the vocal warm ups and other vocal acheivements easier to reach.  I have really enjoyed my time in Brenda's classes and I will miss them when I leave. Though the sessions were within a group, I found them to be of more benefit than my previous individual lessons. Brenda is flexible with her approach making me feel more confident about singing and less afraid of going wrong as I know Brenda has many tricks up her sleeve. One voice and one approach definately doesnt fit all and I feel Brenda is well aware of this and really tunes into inidividuals needs as well as their capabilities. It was obvious to me that Brenda places importance on the individual as I find that can be missed or lost. I have found my individuality and needs have been an after thought previously but not with Brenda. Best vocal teacher I have had and a really positive experience. Brenda engages with spiritual themes which made me feel instantly understood and calm, I really appreciated this side of the ensemble. Being on the spectrum, direct and honest feedback/communication is essential and I feel Brenda is direct and honest which was extremely appreciated. I will really miss these workshops when I leave, definately one of the highlights of my goldsmiths experience, especially within the music department. It has been really valuable having a safe space like this with all the stressors of university, life.  

Mika ‘23

This term, I was facing different challenges and obstacles in mg life from the last term and it influenced/inspired the way I approached this class and singing/music itself. Every week was such a joyful and reflecting learning experience and was able to discover different way of practicing, singing and thinking every week. In terms of group practice, I enjoyed the improvisation session with everyone, exploring the space and sounds together and practicing to be present in that moment and with myself and everyone. That practice always positively reminded me to stay present even outside of the class and truly enjoy the unknown of the next moment. For my individual song, I felt much more comfortable to sing in front of everyone than the last term. Not only that, I felt fine with making mistakes, going off keys sometimes and being not sure of what to do. That’s a big step for me because I had been wanting to reach the comfortability with singing and the way I approach things in life that it’s okay to make mistakes, to take different paths or even not knowing what I want to do. When I listened back the singings I did, I realized I need to work on exploring my voice more, not to stay in my comfort zone but be more adventurous and see what I can find there. 

This class really helped me reflect my life through music and I found so much joy in that, how my life, music and people are interconnected. Every week two hours in this the class became a place and time where I could fully pursue my passion and heart, and reset and start everything again from there. Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful place for all of us. Although the school, life and everything is still tough but I feel like I came to London to meet you, take this class and reconnect with my joy again and I can’t appreciate enough for that. 

Morgan, an incredible student announced my Autumn ‘23 classes on her Socials:

The responses she received blew me away! So proud…………

Here are some examples of the responses she received…………….

This will be excellent and enjoyable. Highly recommended 🎼🎤💋👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

i second that - excellent singer x

Does she or did she do sessions at Goldsmiths College? If it's the same person, I've been to an event she hosted with the original Hamilton actor. She's very charismatic

Some comments from when I shared your classes. ❤️ (Morgan)

I agree with the other ladies that Brenda is a lovely and talented lady. I came across her 20 years ago in Canary Wharf when she ran some free community based classes (for residents and workers) entitled everyone has a voice. I enjoyed her sessions and we came together as a community choir and put on a show on stage in Canary Wharf. I have always remembered Brenda's words "if you can speak, you can sing".

Sarah Spring ‘22

Expressive Vocal Freedom is so much more than a singing course. Brenda creates a safe space to show up authentically, be vulnerable and share your voice. For anyone wanting to develop their skills or rediscover their voice, this is an amazing course. It’s never too late to learn!

"I think what Brenda does is tap into the individual, helping them identify what they need to do to unlock the qualities they have within themselves not just to sing, but to perform…to build self belief and confidence in their singing and beyond."

— Participant, Autumn 2021

'Thank you so much for an extraordinary session on Saturday. Your warmth and support were like tangible entities in the room. Thank you also for your kind words and encouragement…These words on the paper cannot convey the extent of the impact of your session on my heart.'

- One to One participant, March 21